Get The Hell Off Hillary's Back
I am not a big supporter of the Hillary for President mantra, although I think she would make a very good candidate and an awesome President - BUT - how will we ever find out if some of the progressives in the Democratic Party continue to harp on her about her vote over the Iraq war.
All we ever here over and over and over again is that whining voice saying "she didn't say her vote was a mistake". Well give me a damn break. I would like to know how many of these whiners (if they're honest with themselves) can admit they also believed what was being shoved down their throat by the media. Think back, and remember the headlines and editorials that did absolutely nothing to question the evidence being given to us from the White House - not to mention the sincerity and honesty projected by Colin Powell when addressing the United Nations. After all a media darling like Powell would never, ever lie to us would he? Read entire post.... Labels: Hillary Clinton, Iraq, John McCain., War |