Republican Party Going Over The Cliff
If there was any doubt anywhere about the condition of the Republican Party, there certainly isn't anymore. According to former Congressman Joe Scarborough, "The president is prepared to take his administration and his party over the cliff to prove that he right about Iraq".
I never thought I would ever agree with Scarborough on anything since his conservative views are more than I, or any liberal progressive could tolerate. But low and behold he is absolutely correct with his analysis of the Iraq occupation and its' continuation. In his column for MSNBC's political page he even lists all the terrible and deadly decisions made concerning Bush's war in Iraq....."the Bush administration was wrong about those weapons, wrong about the nuclear program, wrong about their refusal to quell rioting early, wrong about Bremer’s gutting of the Iraqi army and police force, wrong about refusing to kill or capture al Sadr in 2003, wrong to tell the generals not speak of the coming insurgency, wrong to stubbornly refuse to give generals the troops they needed to win this war, wrong to make the “Mission Accomplished” declaration, wrong for the VP to claim that the insurgency was in its death throes and wrong to push a surge plan that the president’s top generals opposed. The list could continue for pages but I will be generous to the White House and leave it at that."What more can be said? The only thing I would add is wrong to lie to the American people to illegally invade and occupy of a sovereign country. The Republican party is no longer the party it used to be. It has been hijacked by neocons, and far-right christian zealots like Robertson and Donald Wildman. As long as it remains this way, and it doesn't look as if it will change anytime soon, they will be relegated to has-been status in the world of politics that they so richly deserve and those in the Republican party whose conservative ideology matches people like Scarborough will continue to jump the sinking ship. Scarborough's last comment in his article sums it up nicely. Regarding the "protectors" and supporters of Bush and his "bungling war strategy" he says: That may not be so bad for George W. Bush in the short run, but it is a disaster for Republicans in 2008 and beyond.Thank you Joe, may that thought become fact and the Dems continue to make gains in '08 and bring America back to being the moral leader is once was. Labels: George Bush, Iraq, Politics, Republican Party, Scarboroughj, War |
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