Hypocrisy Prevails
You and I both knew it was coming, we just wondered how long it would take for Georgie Boy to use the 9-11 and terror card in his speech to the U.N. Would you believe - oh about 30 seconds. But reading the transcript his hypocrisy level hits a new high.This morning I want to speak about the more hopeful world that is within our reach, a world beyond terror, where ordinary men and women are free to determine their own destiny, where the voices of moderation are empowered, and where the extremists are marginalized by the peaceful majority.Sure George the same type of moderation you are using? Indiscriminate bombing of Iraqi civilians when you invaded and then the use of depleted uranium to keep them in order. It's no fucking wonder there are now terrorists in every country that hate the entire western world. Then the bullshit meter really goes of the scale: The principles of this world beyond terror can be found in the very first sentence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This document declares that, "The equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom and justice and peace in the world."[snip] Freedom, by its nature, cannot be imposed.This from the war-monger who uses secret prisons to lock people up indefinitely without charges of any kind. This from the war-monger who wants to re-write the The Geneva Conventions to cover his own ass for authorizing the use of torture and make it legal to do so in the future. This from the war-monger who has his sights set on yet another Mid-East country to bomb the hell out of....namely Iran. This from the war-monger who thinks "negotiating" is giving a speech telling other leaders how he thinks their countries should be run. This from the war-monger who thinks his view of freedom is the only legitimate one. The one that even accuses his own citizens of being un-American if they even dare to think or express any other view but his. He then goes on to praise the free and open democracies of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and other middle east countries that still stifle the rights of women and free speech. Face it, this was just more of the same. He wasn't speaking to the U.N. he was spouting his usual load of crap he spouts everytime an election looms and he wants to bring out his base of liars and racists. What hogwash....You can read the entire transcript if you can get trough it without massive nausea HERE....... |
Comments on "Hypocrisy Prevails"
Saudi Arabia is a democracy? Uh... last time I checked the House of Saud was the ruling family in Arabia. It's only called "Saudi" Arabia because they're the only people allowed to rule over it.
Kudos on exposing this garbage!
Sickening to listen to, but expected nonetheless.
The biggest thing America and the rest of the world have to fear is the current occupant of the White House.