Is The Senate's Split With Bush All It's Said To Be?
I came across this article at Tom yesterday. It is a must read for everyone who sees the continuing erosion of the rights afforded under The U.S. Constitution.
Aziz Huq, the Director of the Liberty and National Project at the Brennan Center raises some serious questions regarding the bill from the Armed Services Committee (known as The Warner bill) and backed by Sens. McCain and Graham.
He points out, and rightly so, that on closer inspection, the bill in some respects, could be "practically a blank check when it comes to executive detention authority".
Two parts of the bill are especially ominous. One, attempts to stop judicial review of overseas detainees. The other, seems to make it possible to extend the detention authority into the future, and also extend to not only non-citizens, but also U.S. citizens in the United States. In other words, even U.S. citizens would be vulnerable to seizure and unending detention whenever the President (and to be fair any future President) feels like it. Read on.....
***UPDATE***From a diary by MediaFreeze Daily KosSomething very momentous is about to happen. It looks like the McCain Graham Warner version of the military commissions bill is going to pass. While much attention has been paid to the difference between the Bush and these "rebel" Republicans versions, very little notice has been taken of the fact that the McCain version too takes the draconian step of suspending habeas corpus, the linchpin of a free society.Please read this diary it is extremely important. |
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