"This is not a time for politics" - White House Response
Excuse me? If ever there WAS a time for politics is IS now. It is time this administration had its' feet held to the fire by a press that has been totally absent from doing its' job these last 5 years. It is a time for Republicans and Democrats alike to be held accountable. This trajedy crosses party lines and IS political and if the citizens of the United States don't make it political they will continue to be enablers to a corrupt group of thugs that do nothing more than line their own pockets and ignore their constituents needs.
The latest issue of Salon, (you will have to whatch a short commercial to access the story) reports:"This is not a time for politics," McClellan said. "This is a time for the nation to come together and help those in the Gulf Coast region. That's where our focus is." There's no question about where the president's focus is right now, of course. The question is, where was Bush's focus over the last four years, when his administration and the Republican-controlled Congress imposed draconian cuts on the agency responsible for flood control in New Orleans -- and where was Bush's focus earlier this week, when he was campaigning for his war in California as people died in New Orleans. McClellan didn't have many answers. He never gave a direct response to a question about Bush's slow return to Washington. And in answering another question, he made an unhelpful concession. McClellan said that "everyone recognized on Tuesday ... if not sooner" that Katrina would be one of the worst natural disasters in America's history. On Tuesday, Bush gave a speech on Iraq near San Diego, monkeyed around backstage with a guitar, then returned to Crawford for one last night before returning to Washington Wednesday.[SNIP] But when reporters peppered McClellan with questions about what the president might have done before the hurricane struck, McClellan insisted that the administration has always made flood control a priority, and he lashed out against "people seeking partisan gain in Washington" in the wake of a national disasterHere we go again. When you don't have an answer to adequately support a decision made by an incompetent moron in the White House, you deflect the question and make it look like it is King George's opposition and the Democrats for making it a political issue. Funny thing about that though Scottie.........you now have members of your own party including lower members of the respective agencies responsible for providing aid speaking out and finally telling the truth about how ineffective and self-centered (on gaining more and more power)this administration is, and how it has done nothing but lie and steal from the American public since day one of taking office. Don't look now Scottie........but the bubble has burst, and the downward spiral of the King and his men has begun. Time for another raise in the Terror Alert level and scare the population and the press back into servitude. For some reason, I have a hunch this ain't gonna work this time fellas. Enjoy the downhill slide, I guarantee that the burning fires of hell you and your fellow appocolypse lovers warn everyone else about.........AWAITS YOU. |
Comments on ""This is not a time for politics" - White House Response"
They have an answer for everything and a solution to nothing.