The Three Faces Of Death
PNAC planning that has been in effect for years could be closer to reality than many non-conspiracy die-hards believe is possible. So now, when the perfect storm moved into place that gave King George (who likes to play dress up as a warrior), along with (Darth Vader himself) Dick Cheney and then mix in a good helping of Donald Rumsfeld (the apparent S&M expert at the Pentagon) who found a sure-fire way to add even more blood to his own hands than Saddam Hussein - the very person he embraced with enthusiastic friendship when their common enemy was then and appears to be once again, Iran. He along with Alberto the impaler who vigorously defended the Bush administration's decision to detain alleged illegal enemy combatants without protection under the Third Geneva Convention. .
The non-applicability of the Geneva Conventionsto cover illegal combatants is disputed by international jurists. Critics feel that Rumsfeld should have been held personally responsible for the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse scandal.
Rumsfeld himself said, "These events occurred on my watch as secretary of defense. I am accountable for them." Let's not forget however, this was probably preceded by a few well-placed questions to himself such as 1) Did these incidents occur on my watch? Well golly-be ha-ha-ha they sure did. 2) Does that make me a poor Secretary of Defence? Well heck by golly no under my watch we actually managed to shrink the Pentagons' budget.....that is of course if you don't count the money wasted on faulty equipment obtained from Dicks' and Yours' favorite military contractors. Or the billions upon billions of money that will be needed to assist the traumatized and badly amputated areas of the anatomy that were never even a thought before. This also caused by the Rumsfeld/Cheney Military Outfitters Association.
Boy it sure is awfully convenient for the criminals that make up this administration from top to bottom that military investigations into the matters did not find ANY responsible for any wrongdoing.
Labels: Bush, Cheney, Corruption, Hypocrisy, Iran, Iraq, pentagon, Scandal, War |
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