Disgusting Graham Legislation Passes
Given that there has been so much injustice done by labelling someone a terrorist, be it because of the colour of their skin, their language, or their country of origin how in the world could this legislation become law?
Via The New York TimesThe Senate voted Thursday to strip captured "enemy combatants" at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, of the principal legal tool given to them last year by the Supreme Court when it allowed them to challenge their detentions in United States courts. The vote, 49 to 42, on an amendment to a military budget bill by Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, comes at a time of intense debate over the government's treatment of prisoners in American custody worldwide, and just days after the Senate passed a measure by Senator John McCain banning abusive treatment of them. If approved in its current form by both the Senate and the House, which has not yet considered the measure but where passage is considered likely, the law would nullify a June 2004 Supreme Court opinion that detainees at Guantanamo Bay had a right to challenge their detentions in court. Nearly 200 of roughly 500 detainees there have already filed habeas corpus motions, which are making their way up through the federal court system. As written, the amendment would void any suits pending at the time the law was passed.This is a tragedy, and a severe backhand to the face of Lady Liberty and all the Constitution of the United States stands for. And the second tragedy from this? 5 DEMOCRATS joined with the ethically challenged Republican party to pass this piece of crap! The turncoats from the Democratic party who voted in favor of this were: Conrad (D-ND) Landrieu (D-LA) Lieberman (D-CT) Nelson (D-NE) Wyden (D-OR) Remember these names fellow progressives and demand they be taken to task by the Dem leadership for their callous disregard of everything the US stands for. If these detainees at Guantanamo whom King George loves to call "evil-doers" cannot challenge their detention in a court of law then what the hell is the meaning of democracy? What Senator Graham and the others who voted for this legislation seem to have conveniently forgotten is that the the Habeas Corpus writ was installed in the constitution as a safeguard against illegal imprisonment and wrongful refusals to issue the writ were one of the grievances before the American Revolution. Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution of the United States provides that “The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it”. Are these 49 Senators trying to say that the so-called "war on terror" constitutes a rebellion or invasion? The only invasion visible to anyone who cares to look, was done under order from King George, on a country that posed the U.S. no direct threat. |
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