Why I Say They're Hypocrites
You may have seen in the news that Michael Moore, along with residents of the Lake Michigan community of Traverse City Michigan are organizing a film festival. On its' billing for the 31 films to be presented are classics such as "Jaws" and "Casablanca," and recently produced independents including the winner of this years' Cannes Film Festival grand prize "Broken Flowers". And take note NONE of Moore's films will be shown.
Well a local activist who teamed up with a conservative group from Texas (Texas - that figures), obviously didn't read the list of movies that are going to be shown before they decided to spout off. It seems Genie Aldrich, a resident of nearby Suttons Bay, used the usual method of Conservatives, if you don't like something "ban it", and tried unsuccessfully to convice the city commission of Traverse City from letting Moore's group show films in a municipal waterfront park.
Her reasoning?"People are fed up and tired with the extreme left-wing radical fringe, America haters, family haters, Christian haters".Yup that's what Moore's line-up of films represents alright! After failing to succeed in getting the festival banned, Ms. Aldrich and her merry band of Texas moneymen, decided to organize a competing "film festival" called - get this - "The Traverse Bay Freedom Film Festival". Now look at the line-up of the films they have chosen to show. "Top Gun" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark." Two wonderful films I admit. It is in their "independent" film group where I find the hyporisy. Of course there is nothing "political", "hate America based", or "family hate based" and "left-wing radical" films like Moore's line-up....LOL...their line-up of "independent" films to be shown are... "In the Face of Evil," a tribute to Ronald Reagan; "Confronting Iraq," a defense of the war in Iraq sponsored by the conservative group Accuracy in Media; and of course that number one thriller "Michael Moore Hates America."So there you have it my friends. It is Michael Moore who is showing films that are pushing the political and liberal hate-America propagandaa right? |
Comments on "Why I Say They're Hypocrites"
Traverse City is a pretty conservative town. I will be intersted to see how they step up their attack as the film festival gets underway.
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