Note To The Chatty Cathy Beltway Pundits - STFU!
I am really getting a little tired of the bullsh*t making the rounds of the inside the beltway crowd over the fact Nancy Pelosi's choice for House Leader lost. As I said here yesterday, "I still have to ask these so-called "gentlemen"...."What's the matter boys - can't take a strong female being in a position of power?" As silly as it sounds, that seams to be the only reason for this not so sudden nashing of teeth and judging of Nancy Pelosi before she even picks up the friggin' gavel as Speaker.
Where the hell were all these second rate know it alls when Newt Gingrich's preferred candidate and buddy, Bob Walker was beaten by Tom Delay. Was this a major look of disarray for his new Republican sweep of the House? Did this show the Almighty Newt as being weak and devoid of leadership? Give me a friggin' break.
As Glen Greenwald points out:It is painfully obvious that Pelosi supported Murtha for one very simple and extremely common reason -- because unlike Hoyer, with whom she has a tense and uncomfortable working relationship and with whom she has worked at cross-purposes in the past, Murtha is her ally and supporter. Murtha held a blogger conference call a couple of days ago and in response to every question, he repeatedly emphasized that his intention was to concentrate on Iraq and that in all other areas, he would "do what Nancy wants." He's a Pelosi loyalist and ally and so she supported him for that job over someone who isn't. Is that supposed to be unusual? That's how all of Washington works. It's how the world works.Knock it off guys, and get your swollen heads out of your collective asses. There are much more important issues to be addressed for the country right now. That is why the vote came out the way it did. The people want things done. They want Congress cleaned up! They want a responsible plan to stop the blodshed and occupation of a country where the U.S. troops should never have been in the first place! The want a serious health-care plan. Grow up! Do your damn jobs and write about these issuse instead of acting like a bunch of catty teenage girls at a bitch-slapping party. |
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