Playing Games With Terror And Fear
On September 11, 2001 there were terror excercises taking place on the ground and in the air with NORAD that nearly mirrored entirely the horrifying attack that took place, and added to the confusion.
This September 7, 2006 the United States is conducting "terror attack drills in Chicago according to The Chicago Sun-Times. Then just to keep the fear level rising, my hometown newspaper The Windsor Star is reporting that "dirty bomb attack" drills will be conducted just across the river from my home on September 8th and 9th.
False Flag News which keeps track of these drills and excercises describes the dirty bomb drill asThe largest terror drill in U.S. history with a "simulated" drity bomb postulates terrorists coming across the Canadian border. Michigan is at high risk for a false-flag attack, as it was the site of pandemic drills on August 4th, and another set of flu and terror drills from July 17th to the 28th. The large Muslim population in Michigan would be the perfect scapegoat for a staged terror event, while justifying a REX-84 style concentration camps for Americans and a nuclear invasion of Iran. These Sept. 8-9 dirty bomb drills come two days after Sept. 7, when Chicago and Virginia are running simultaneous terror and pandemic drills.)So George plays his games while the his own citizens and people around the world fear their outcome. Or should I say real purpose? Just askin..... |
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