Another Ally Leaves, And The Right Is Predicting Armageddon.
Almost constantly in recent months there have been "behind the scenes" reports that the Cabal in the White House known as the Bush Crime Family is planning to invade and cause regime change in Iran even using "targeted nuclear weapons" if necessary.
Reports have even surfaced that the Israeli/Hezbollah confrontation in Lebanon was planned well ahead of time by the US and Israel in order to justify and pave the way for their Iranian attack.
In today's Scotsman, Egyptian President Mubarak warned against any military strike on Iran, saying in an interview with Egypt's Akhbar al-Youm newspaper."The conflict between the United States and Iran must be resolved through diplomatic channels and direct dialogue, because any strike on Iran means the end of stability in the region and the world."[snip] He went on to say Iran is an important country in the region, and relations between countries are governed by pacts and treaties and agreements that prohibit interference in any internal matters of the countries."Well back in April of 2006 we had Seymour Hersh stating this in The New Yorker. Courtesy of Truth Current and former American military and intelligence officials said that Air Force planning groups are drawing up lists of targets, and teams of American combat troops have been ordered into Iran, under cover, to collect targeting data and to establish contact with anti-government ethnic-minority groups. The officials say that President Bush is determined to deny the Iranian regime the opportunity to begin a pilot program, planned for this spring, to enrich uranium.If all this is not enough to make the hair on the back of your neck stand on end, take into consideration that King (born again and rapture ready believer) George is clashing right up against a fellow "end of times" believer in Iranian's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He and his followers clearly believe that the time is now for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world. In an opinion piece published by of all papers The Wall Street Journal, Bernard Lewis, professor emeritus at Princeton, and author recently, of "From Babel to Dragomans: Interpreting the Middle East" (Oxford University Press, 2004), wrote the following regarding the date of August 22nd as the date when Ahmadinejad will respond to the UN's requests to cease Nuclear production. In Islam, as in Judaism and Christianity, there are certain beliefs concerning the cosmic struggle at the end of time--Gog and Magog, anti-Christ, Armageddon, and for Shiite Muslims, the long awaited return of the Hidden Imam, ending in the final victory of the forces of good over evil, however these may be defined. Mr. Ahmadinejad and his followers clearly believe that this time is now, and that the terminal struggle has already begun and is indeed well advanced. It may even have a date, indicated by several references by the Iranian president to giving his final answer to the U.S. about nuclear development by Aug. 22. This was at first reported as "by the end of August," but Mr. Ahmadinejad's statement was more precise. What is the significance of Aug. 22? This year, Aug. 22 corresponds, in the Islamic calendar, to the 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427. This, by tradition, is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to "the farthest mosque," usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back (c.f., Koran XVII.1). This might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world. It is far from certain that Mr. Ahmadinejad plans any such cataclysmic events precisely for Aug. 22. But it would be wise to bear the possibility in mind.Well now that I have managed to put on my tinfoil hat and possibly scared the bejesus out of all of you, why not go ahead and read the entire opinion HERE.... Heck I even took a stroll over to the conservative side of the blogosphere to give you another link to this armageddon nonsense: Right Truth that describes itself as "A conservative blog on terrorism." among other things. Excuse me now while I go take a very very long shower if you know what I mean. What the hell if nothing else you can't say I didn't give you a good laugh. Say if any of you are available on Aug. 22 let's get together and throw an "End of Times Barbeque Bash". At least we'll have the fire going agaid of time. BYOB of course. |
Comments on "Another Ally Leaves, And The Right Is Predicting Armageddon."
Hey Canuk,
I pose to you and others that the context and meaning of these ancient texts have been lost on those confused by the assertions of religious leaders and founders. Ancient wisdom has been purposely recast and obfuscated into religion and mysticism. Consequently, the interpretations presented about the sources and meaning of these texts and the philosophy and cosmology of ancient Hebrew sages is completely wrong. Before you scoff and write me off, you should understand that I speak from personal experience...
Understanding the Fatal Flaws in Judeo-Christian-Islamic Prophecy
Remember the saying that "the truth will set you (and others) free?" How does "opening one's eyes to the truth" relate to "making the blind see again" or "shining the light" or "illuminating a subject?" Notice the inherent symbolism associated with this supposed New Testament "miracle?"
As certain world leaders strive to instigate a fabricated "battle of Armageddon," it is vital to understand and spread the truth about these ancient texts to help bring about an end to such abominable evil. You can never expect philosophies based on lies and great error to lead to peace and harmony. How many more millennia of terrible proof is necessary before humanity finally gets a clue that most have been utterly deceived by the very concept of religion.
Without it, Bush, the Neo-Cons, and their cohorts could never have gained and retained political power by manipulating an already deluded and susceptible constituency. Likewise, their thinly veiled partners in crime, Bin Laden and his ilk, could never have succeeded in their roles in this centuries-old Vatican-led grand deception.
We are all trapped by a web of deception formed by money, religion, and politics. The great evils that bedevil us all will never cease until humanity finally awakens, shakes off these strong delusions, and forges a new path to the future.
Here is Wisdom...
None of us really thought anything was going to happen on August 22. It was just interesting to write about and pose 'possibilities'. I'm against any unnecessary violence. You have to admit that Ahmadinejad is one scary guy. He is a religious fanatic, who might have a nuclear bomb sometime in the future. Like I said, scary!
Besides, the articles on August 22 certainly stirred up a lot of traffic, so somebody was interested in it.
I'm not really a right-winged nut, ha
Have a nice day.