Corporate Media Get's It's Long Over-do Smackdown
When Ned Lamont defeated Joementum LIEberman in the CT Democratiic Primary, not only did Joe get his butt smacked handily, but so did the Washington press corps and the rest of the Corporate media.
As Jeff Cohen points out in an article from CommonDreams.orgBesides defeating Sen. Joe Lieberman, challenger Ned Lamont has also registered a triumph over much of the Washington press corps that had rallied so ridiculously to Lieberman’s defense.Even (fair and balanced???) Fox News got into the act. Lieberman is not just the favorite Democrat of the White House and corporate interests; he’s also a favorite of conservative pundits and Fox News and Sean Hannity, who proposed “Conservatives for Lieberman” and has volunteered to campaign and fundraise for Joe in Connecticut.Can someone please explain to me the sudden concern from the Conservative Republican camp about the health of the Democratic Party? Election coverage saw conservative columnists feverishly denouncing a “liberal inquisition” against Lieberman; they attacked “Ned’s nutcases” and “crazies.” Given the invective aimed at Lamont’s grassroots and Netroots supporters, it was fun to see Fox News pundit Mort Kondracke whining that Lieberman’s defeat could mean the end of “civility in American politics” and a victory for “hatred politics” and “savage Internet-based attacks.” Persecuted Lieberman was “The Last Honest Man,” according to the headline of a Washington Post column.Of course this must have all been done in the "interest" of "bi-partisanship". These pundits seem to conveniently forget of course that "bi-partisanship" is a two-way street. Rest assured, the next assault on the Democrats and Ned Lamont, that will come during the campaign up to the general election in November will be the "suspicious" campaign contributions from the netroots supporters. These contributions are suspicious because after all most of these people are outsiders. Of course no mention will be made of the massive influx of money given to Liebermann from all those outside corporate interests referred to in this article from Rolling Stone He is everything a Washington insider loves in a politician. He is pompous, pious and available. Routinely one of the very top recipients of campaign donations from the insurance, pharmaceutical and finance sectors, and a man whose wife, Hadassah, is a pharmaceutical-industry lobbyist for Hill and Knowlton, Lieberman has quietly become one of the greatest allies corporate America has in Washington. For example, Lieberman, who as chairman of the DLC (Democratic Leadership Council) in the mid to late Nineties presided over an organization heavily subsidized by companies such as AIG and Aetna (the latter of which also contributes lavishly to his campaigns), sponsored a bill that limited auto insurance suits by permitting the offering of lower rates to consumers who forfeited their right to sue. He has fought for similar anti-lawsuit laws for tobacco, for HMOs, for pharmaceutical companies. Victor Schwartz, general counsel for the American Tort Reform Association, once bragged that "if it were not for Lieberman, there would never have been a Biomaterials Access Act"—a 1998 law that protected companies like Dow Chemical and DuPont (also big DLC contributors) from lawsuits filed for the production of defective medical implants. Yes, that's right: Joe Lieberman fought for the principle of manufacturing faulty fake tits with impunity.Awe damn it Joe we hardly knew thee, and now you're soon to be history. Now, now all you media pundits, stop that whining about how all those Lamont supporters are not only outsiders, but anti-Semitic too! Funny how it took 18 long years to suddenly discover that St. Joe was actually Jewish eh? Hmmmm guess that kind of shoots that theory all to hell also. Then again, there are all those uppity bloggers picking on poor Joe. Jonathan Alter wrote in Newsweek that bloggers had “noisily intervened” in Connecticut’s primary because they “brook no dissent” on Iraq; he warned of “a cannabilistic distraction” among DemocratsCome on Jonathan do you really believe that Joe and his high-priced minions could be "distracted" that badly by the netroots and its' bloggers? Perhaps just maybe what all us bloggers did, was to wake up the rest of the country to what we have known all along........that Joe, the darling of the Corporate elite and their personal whores in the Washington press corps and at the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), look after nobody's interests but their own. Wake up and smell the coffee Joe - the Democratic voters in Conneticut didn't desert you, you deserted them a long long time ago. Now it's time to pay the piper. |
Comments on "Corporate Media Get's It's Long Over-do Smackdown"
Isn't the current US regime supposed to be all about fighting for democracy and spreading US-style democracy throughout the world?
Then why all the uproar when voters turn out in droves to exercise their right to throw da bums out and get someone in office who will actually represent the people?
They aren't all about democracy. They are all about continuing to feather their own nests while fleecing the US common man.
How right you are Dee. One thing the Bush Crime Family is definitely not short on is hypocrisy