Flirting With Fascism - A FAIR Action Alert
When CNN hired Glenn Beck for its' "Headline News" program, we all knew what to expect. He is well known as an ultra right-wing extremist. Now we can add sick and twisted rascist to his repertoire.
We were recently given a look at his attitude toward people of the Muslim faith when he had the audacity to ask newly elected Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) who practices this faith, "Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies." If anyone is an enemy of the United States, it is this two-bit fascist thug.![]() All you Muslims who have sat on your frickin' hands the whole time and have not been marching in the streets and have not been saying, 'Hey, you know what? There are good Muslims and bad Muslims. We need to be the first ones in the recruitment office lining up to shoot the bad Muslims in the head.' I'm telling you, with God as my witness... human beings are not strong enough, unfortunately, to restrain themselves from putting up razor wire and putting you on one side of it. When things—when people become hungry, when people see that their way of life is on the edge of being over, they will put razor wire up and just based on the way you look or just based on your religion, they will round you up. Is that wrong? Oh my gosh, it is Nazi, World War II wrong, but society has proved it time and time again: It will happen.This is the person CNN turned to to boost ratings. Well apparently he did that quite well since CNN reports ratings in his 7 p.m. time period 60 percent among all viewers, and 84 percent among viewers aged 25 to 54. But I have to ask CNN President Kenneth Jautz, "have you no sense of decency or shame"? This only proves the vulgarity of the people who enjoy watching the trials and pitfalls in the lives of others on these so-called "reality shows". They seem to think since their life isn't that bad they are somehow better than others. FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting) goes on to further quote some of Beck's sickening and poisonous statements. On September 5th, Beck took the same message to his CNN Headline News audience, declaring, "In 10 years, Muslims and Arabs will be looking through a razor wire fence at the West." ***** Since 9/11, Americans have gotten so fed up with the "yes, but" Muslims. The "yes, but" Muslims are the ones who show up on talkshows and in the media and say, "Yes, terrorism is bad, but"—and then they go through a list of reasons on why we should try and sympathize with people who fly planes into buildings.... If, God forbid, there's another attack, we won't have anymore patience for the "yes, buts." The Muslim community better find a spokesman who isn't a "yes, but" Muslim. They shouldn't even understand the word "but," because if they don't, when things heat up, the profiling will only get worse, and the razor wire will be coming.Nice eh? I urge you to please contact CNN/U.S. president Jonathan Klein and urge him to condemn Glenn Beck's chilling threats against Muslims. CONTACT: CNN/U.S. President Jonathan Klein Phone: 404-827-1500 Email: here Make your voice heard. The Bush administration and its' enablers in the MSM have spread enough hate across the globe that it will take at least two generations to heal. If we learned nothing else from the past, we should have learned this...take people seriously when they start threatening people with concentration camps—rather than looking the other way because of their ratings "success." Read on.... |
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