"These Are The Stakes" - GOP Terror On A TV Near You
I posted about the new "fear ad" here last Thursday hoping that the word would get out about the latest repugnant terror card the Republican National Committee is using for the election. Now the hero of the progressive movement Keith Olbermann has taken up the cause with his latest "special comment". Here is a snippet of the transcript from MSNBC.There is a cheap “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” quality to the whole thing, and it also serves to immediately call to mind the occasions when President Bush dismissed Osama bin Laden as somebody he didn’t think about—except, obviously, when elections were near. ****** The dictionary definition of the word “terrorize” is simple and not open to misinterpretation: “To fill or overpower with terror; terrify. To coerce by intimidation or fear.” Note please, that the words “violence” and “death” are missing from that definition. The key to terror, the key to terrorism, is not the act—but the fear of the act. ****** By this definition, the people who put these videos together—first the terrorists and then the administration—whose shared goal is to scare you into panicking instead of thinking—they are the ones terrorizing you. By this definition, the leading terrorist group in this world right now is al Qaida. But the leading terrorist group in this country right now is the Republican Party. ****** Four years ago it was the now-Secretary of State, Dr. Rice, rationalizing Iraq with “we don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.” Days later Mr. Bush himself told an audience that “we cannot wait for the final proof, the smoking gun, that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.” And now we have this cheesy commercial—complete with images of a faked mushroom cloud, and implications of “mass death in America.” This administration has derived benefit and power from terrorizing the very people it claims to be protecting from terror.Read on......Take a look... |
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