Leading Historians Call Docudrama "Fraudulent"
Much like the Senate Democratic Leadership did yesterday, now a group of leading historians have also penned a letter to Disney/ABC President and CEO Robert Iger. Here is the text from openlettertoab c.blogspot.com:Dear Robert Iger: We write as professional historians, who are deeply concerned by the continuing reports about ABC's scheduled broadcast of "The Path to 9/11." These reports document that this drama contains numerous flagrant falsehoods about critical events in recent American history. The key participants and eyewitnesses to these events state that the script distorts and even fabricates evidence into order to mislead viewers about the responsibility of numerous American officials for allegedly ignoring the terrorist threat before 2000.[snip] Whatever ABC's motivations might be, broadcasting these falsehoods, connected to the most traumatic historical event of our times, would be a gross disservice to the public. A responsible broadcast network should have nothing to do with the falsification of history, except to expose it. We strongly urge you to halt the show's broadcast and prevent misinforming Americans about their history.The heat on Iger and Disney has been mounting steadily since reviews of the film got out. Last evening Scholastic Inc. issued a statement which in part stated "After a thorough review of the original guide that we offered online to about 25,000 high school teachers, we determined that the materials did not meet our high standards for dealing with controversial issues" and today it is reported in Daily Variety that Bill Clinton loyalists are demanding wholesale changes to the upcoming miniseries -- and while ABC is making some snips, the alterations, insiders say, may not please the Dems. But a bombshell decision may happen anyway: Sources close to the project say the network, which has been in a media maelstrom over the pic, is mulling the idea of yanking the mini altogether.I just listened to a saved i-podder clip from MSNBC's Scarborough Country, and of course there was the usual wailing and gnashing of teeth about censorship from three conservatives. Which left only one progressive point of view from Rachel Sklar a News Editor from Huffington Post. Actually I should say there were four conservative points of view since they even went so far as to play a clip from the big mouth himself Rush Limbaugh. If I am able to post the clip I will do so. In the meantime, keep up the pressure. UPDATE So far I have been unable to find the video but the transcript is available from MSNBC |
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