DSCC Will Back CT Primary Winner
The Raw Story is reporting that the DSCC has announced it "is likely to back the winner of the Democratic primary in Connecticut." This will mean he cannot rely on DSCC for campaign money and he will not receive blanket support of other Democratic Senators if he doesn't win the Democratic Primary.A senior Democratic party official confirmed that the DSCC is unlikely to back Lieberman should he lose the primary to Ned Lamont, a more progressive contender in Connecticut who has garnered support from bloggers and has catalyzed his campaign around Lieberman's aggressive position on Iraq.As David Sirota states at workingforchange, I and other progressive activists, writers and bloggers asked as many people as possible to get in touch with the DSCC and their Democratic Senators and demand they respect the will of Democratic primary voters, and not abet Lieberman's efforts to invalidate a democratic election. Today, the first fruits of our efforts are being reaped, as the DSCC appears to be caving to our demands.This appears to be a victory for the grassroots of the Democratic Party but it is important to keep the heat on. You can contact the DSCC by calling them at 202-224-2447 or email at info@dscc.org. |