When You Can't Tell The Truth Blame The Dems
Well it looks like business as usual for Tom DeLay (R-TX). Since he can't very well stand up and honestly explain his ethics "malfunctions" let alone defend them, he is now doing the next best thing. Blaming the Democrats of course.
![]() CommonDreams.org is reporting: Officials said DeLay recommended that senators respond to questions by saying Democrats have no agenda other than partisanship, and are attacking him to prevent Republicans from accomplishing their legislative program. One Republican said the Texan referred to a ``mammoth operation'' funded by Democratic supporters and designed to destroy him as a symbol of the Republican majority.Oh and don't forget that liberal media that only he and his supporters seem to see. DeLay also thanked Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., for his recent comments and said the news media had twisted them to make them sound critical, the officials added, all speaking on condition of anonymity.And just what was that quote from Santorum? [DeLay] "has to come forward and lay out what he did and why he did it and let the people then judge for themselves. But from everything I've heard, again, from the comments and responding to those, is everything he's done was according to the law."Well that sure doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement of poor little Tommy to me. In fact it looks (if anything) like he is telling him to step up and take responsibility for his ethics problems and explain them honestly. Of course he can't very well do that now can he? Not with a grand jury in Texas hearing evidence and (hopefully) ready to pounce on him. He just might say something untoward and be exposed for the lying piece of scum that he is. Worse yet he just might be indicted and put on trial and convicted. Oh what a wonderful "perp walk" that would be. To watch him being led in handcuffs off to the hoosegow!! I wonder if they would show that on Faux News hehehe. But I digress.... CommonDreams.org also reports that the luncheon meeting where this was discussed was held in private. The officials who described DeLay's brief remarks noted that the session, a regularly scheduled weekly lunch, was held under rules of secrecy. Dan Allen, DeLay's spokesman, declined comment.Of course the response he proposed of blaming the Dems and the media is nothing new. The article goes on to say, His private remarks to Senate Republicans were in keeping with the response frequently offered on his behalf by House Republicans: Blame the Democrats and occasionally the news media for the scrutiny he faces.Of course the bible thumping (cat killer) Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss) after the closed-door meeting, not so subtly appealed to the religious right-wing by invoking prayer into the situation: "The power of prayer is the only thing that will sustain you" [in the circumstance DeLay is in].He then of course went on to chastise any Republicans who fail to stand by him. "That's the problem, you know, Republicans eat their own. ... Democrats stand by their own until hell freezes over," said Lott, who was ousted as Senate majority leader two years ago after making controversial race-based comments at a birthday party for the late Strom Thurmond.Well as I said in another post, drip, drip, drip. Methinks it won't be long before Mr. DeLay drowns in his own pool of deception. |
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