More Fireworks In The Press Gaggle
Poor Puffy McMoonface got hammered again over the PR campaign that seems to be nothing but dodging the issue, and my favorite WH Correspondent David Gregory was once again in the middle.
Via E&P. here are some excerpts from the transcript.Q Now wait a second! MR. MCCLELLAN: -- other people in this room have questions and we've got an event coming up. Q I understand that. But I'm not getting answers here, Scott. And I'm trying to be forthright with you. But don't tell me that you're giving us complete answers when you're not actually answering the question, because everybody knows what is an answer and what is not an answer. MR. MCCLELLAN: Well -- Q And the final -- MR. MCCLELLAN: -- David, now you want to make this about you, and it's not about you, it's about what happened. And that's what I'm trying to -- and I'm trying to provide answers to the questions. Q I'm sorry that you feel that way, but that's not what I'm trying to do.Then Gregory asked the question of the day which get's to the heart of this administration's attitude that they are all above the law. I have one final question, since that one wasn't answered. Is it appropriate for the vice president to have waited 14 hours after the incident before he spoke with local law enforcement officials? And do you think that an average citizen would have been accorded that same amount of time before having to answer questions about a shooting incident?Of course this was dodged once more with Scotty saying that it was decided by the local authorities. Well that's pretty interesting since it was reported by CBS yesterday that Texas authorities are complaining that the Secret Service barred them from speaking to Cheney after the incident.It looks as if Scotty and David Gregory don't intend get along, and that can only be a good thing. Someone must keep this WH mouthpiece who's job it is to spread propaganda and not be forthcoming. Read on..... |